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Posted by Was Killed By The Guardians

The Korean War was a conflict that involved the United Nations backed Republic of Korea and the China and Soviet Union backed Democratic People's Republic of Korea. It was a three years war that started on 25 June 1950 and ended on 27 July 1953. It was started by rivalry amongst the North and South, both claiming to the rights to be ruling Korea as a whole and not divided. As such, when the US troops pulled out from the South, Kim Il Sung started the preparations to invade South Korea. When Syngman Rhee boasted that he was about to attack the North, Kim Il Sung used it as an excuse to start the war.
During the course of the war, other external countries joined in, turning this civil war into a proxy war. Countries like USA, China, the Soviet Union and many others joined in.
Our research and newsblog is thus to research on the reasons to why the other nations got involved in this civil war, mainly the US, the People's Republic of China as well as the Soviet Union.

This entry was posted on Sunday, February 28, 2010 at 4:15 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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